Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap) differ from the Advantage plans in that they are insurance contracts with a private insurance company. When you first become eligible, you have a guaranteed issue period, with no medical questions asked. With these plans you will use your Medicare as the primary payor and the supplement as the secondary payor.
You have several different plans to choose from, ranging from Plan A - Plan N. Not all companies sell all plans, and each plan has a different level of cost sharing. Of course, the premiums reflect the differences in coverage. The plans are standardized, which means each same letter plan has the same benefits and cost sharing, no matter what company you choose. This is why it is so important to get the best price from a reputable company. As an independent agent, Kendalle has access to the major Medicare Supplement carriers so you don’t have to spend time researching them.
There is no cost to you for Kendalle's services to explore your options. Call Kendalle at 804-539-8970 for a free consultation.
Kendalle Stock, Medicare Plan Advisor © All Rights Reserved. Licensed in Virginia. Not endorsed or affiliated with CMS.